Saturday, May 15, 2010

New Level, New Decisions


Guilt is the only excuse I have for not writing earlier. And yet, I have heard from some of you and appreciate knowing - I am not alone. My diet has not been as good as it should be and I have gained 6 lbs from my lowest weight. The workouts are good but I have skipped meals and eaten too big of meals late at night just before going to bed. I know! Disaster!

You see, I am not interested in a "diet." I have to find the lifestyle that helps me be in the shape I want to be. Should the Lord tarry and not come soon (I really hope he comes very soon!!!), I want to be able to enjoy life and play with grand children etc...

This week I made another decision. I am cutting out sweets. Now some may be saying - Finally! or Are you kidding?  or I can't believe it has taken you this long!

Well, it has! My life is dictated more and more by being who God wants me to be. I can't practice chiropractic like I do and then not do everything I can do to be healthy. I can't be the Christian I want to be and not strive to give my very best. Giving up sweets is harder than just about anything else you could ask me to do. And yet, I am excited. Over and over in the Bible I read about sacrificial living. We are called to present our bodies as a living sacrifice. I have not done that. Five days ago I started to change all of this. I said NO.

Every time I pass sugar, desserts, anything resembling sweets I repeat my phrase: No, the decision has been made!

Feel free to pass on words of encouragement! And, good luck to you on your journey for health!